Anti-Aging Medicine is Exercise with Oxygen
Botox Injections and Collagen Therapy are not Anti-Aging Medicine in Fairfield County
As a naturopathic physician for over 12 years I am always researching to find and implement new therapies that generate health and healing for our patients. The current state of anti aging medicine consists of hormone replacement therapy, laser treatments, botox injections, and collagen therapy. This type of anti-aging medicine reminds me of the Saturday Night Live skit: “Its not how you feel but how you look, and you look marvelous….” Skip to the following video to watch an anti-aging presentation by Dr Gary Gruber:
In this article we are going to explore one of the most important causes of physical aging and a therapy that effectively reverses the mechanism of aging.
What is Aging?
Aging is a complex process of changes in biological systems that results in progressive decline in function and degeneration of one or more physical systems of the body.
Changes are observable as well as experienced: Changes in sensory experiences such as vision, hearing, taste, and smell. Changes in the skin and joints; changes in sleep patterns; changes in urinary and sexual function, changes in cognition and mood. Cardiovascular changes (heart, veins and arteries) and neurological (neuropathies and dementias).
Many people are told by their doctor that their symptoms are just the result of getting older, as though it should be accepted as fact. And while some people will buy into the getting-old program and stereotypes, others will look for alternatives to aging that reverse the signs and symptoms.
Cause of Aging is Lack of Biochemical Energy
What is the underlying cause of physical aging. Can the mechanism be reversed?
When we consider all of the factors that influence the aging process, there is one factor that consistently declines throughout life … Energy!
We progressively lose the vitality of youth. All biological functions require energy and lots of it. Biological functions including metabolism, regeneration, digestion, respiration, locomotion, cognition, immune, neurological, hormonal, ALL require energy. To get energy we have to make it. It requires nutrients and oxygen.
It is possible for cells throughout the body to make energy without oxygen. But the process, called anaerobic respiration is inefficient and results in a net loss of biochemical energy. Anaerobic respiration results in two molecules of energy or ATP but after considering the removal of waste products from the body which also requires energy, there is a net loss of four molecules of ATP.
On the other hand in the presence of oxygen, that is called aerobic respiration, the cells make in excess of 30 molecules of ATP energy for each molecule of glucose, fat, or protein.. Aerobic energy production is efficient and effective and is the source of youthful vitality. Oxygen is the critical factor. Without sufficient quantities of oxygen cells make energy inefficiently. Yet with every breath there is a vast supply of oxygen so why aren’t cells always making energy aerobically. It is because the delivery system has changed over the years.
It is well understood that the body fluids of a 50 year old contain less than 50% of the dissolved oxygen than the same person at 25 years old. In order for the cells to get oxygen, the oxygen must be dissolved in the fluids that surround the cells. This fluid, predominately water is outside of the vascular system, the system that carries the oxygen-rich red blood cells.
The fluid of the body is like a fish tank. Suppose you fill a tank with 10 gallons of water and put a dozen goldfish in the tank. What happens after a week?
The water gets murky is depleted of oxygen and the fish die. To prevent this condition you either need to replace the oxygen-depleted water or add a bubbler system that creates turbulence in the water. It is the turbulence that is necessary for oxygen to be dissolved in the water.
In the human body the only way to create turbulence in the fluids, like a fish tank, is to engage your own pump, the heart. We do this through exercise. When the heart rate is sustained above 110 beats per minute, or greater, such as a cardiovascular workout, the turbulence is created that promotes oxygen to dissolve into the body fluids.
Oxygen is not dissolved in blood but rather it is attached to hemoglobin within the red blood cells. But remember, the oxygen must dissolve in the fluids in order to be picked up by the cells.
However, as we age, inflammation of the capillaries prevents oxygen from dissolving into the tissues. Here is how it happens: In order for the oxygen to be stripped off the red blood cell, each red blood cell, one by one, must pass through the tip of the smallest vessel in the vascular system, the capillary. If the red blood cell by-passes the tips of the capillaries, the oxygen is not stripped off and does not dissolve into the fluid.
Advanced Oxygen Multistep Anti Aging Therapy in Fairfield County
There is only one effective way to reverse inflammation of the capillaries: oxygen multistep therapy. Oxygen Multistep Therapy was first developed by Manfred von Ardenne, a German physicist in 1987 after years of research into the question of how to maintain good health in older age. Since then hundreds of clinics throughout Europe have reversed or slowed aging using this simple therapy of combining oxygen while exercising.
In 2016 Family and Environmental Medicine became the first clinic on the east coast of the United States to offer patients the most advanced system for oxygen multistep therapy, a system called LiveO2. This advanced system that uses altitude contrast therapy has been clinically demonstrated to be more effective in LESS TIME than traditional oxygen multistep therapy, exercise with oxygen therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. In addition to reversing and slowing the effects of aging, LiveO2 has been effective in our clinic in treating chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, chronic lymphatic congestion, chronic infections and chronic Lyme disease.
Anti Aging in Fairfield County CT and Surrounding Local Areas
Family and Environmental Medicine help patients with Holistic Solutions that support health and well-being. Dr Gary Gruber provides private appointments for patients from around the country who seek health and healing with Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The majority of patients are from the local area of southern Fairfield County (including Greenwich CT, Stamford CT, Darien CT, Norwalk CT, New Canaan CT, Wilton CT), Westchester County, NY, NYC, and Northern NJ. For personal questions about anti aging therapy and LiveO2, please contact us at (203) 966-6360.
Removing Obstacles as Treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is typically associated with a bacterial infection from a tick bite.
Most people do not even notice the tick bite or a rash. Nevertheless, the typical treatment for eliminating the infection is one or more treatments with antibiotics. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases that see in our office, antibiotics make the condition worse.
Chronic Lyme is NOT merely a bacterial infection. The underlying condition of chronic lyme disease is that the immune system is overwhelmed and dysfunctional.
In most cases a patient’s immune system is not suppressed or deficient. But rather, the immune system is simultaneously hyperactive and hypoactive.
For example, a patient with chronic lyme may have seasonal allergies and food sensitivities indicating an over-active immune system. At the same time there may be sinus infections, frequent colds, enlarged lymph glands and strep throat suggesting an under-active immune system. Once the symptoms progress further a hyperactive patient may be diagnosed with an autoimmune condition such as Rheumatoid arthritis, MS, Fibromyalgia, or Lupus. Likewise, the hypoactive immune system may result in cardiovascular disease or cancer.
Yet the two MOST important questions that you can ask are:
- What can I do that will change and improve my health?
- What is the cause of all this immune system dysfunction?
The answers to ALL your questions may be found in understanding this very basic principle of natural healing.
REMOVING the obstacles is the fundamental action that allows your body to naturally find balance and healing.
Obstacles are hurdles or blocks to healing your chronic lyme. All obstacles have a direct or indirect influence on the immune system because they are a source of stress. Any stress on the body may influence the immune system and become an obstacle to healing. In order to heal Chronic Lyme Disease the obstacles must be removed.
There are 10 categories of stressors or influences:
- Infections: epstein barr virus, herpes virus, bacteria such as borrelia burgdorfi, parasites such as candida and giardia. Normal gut flora that has become imbalance. This category also includes chronic low level focal infections from root canals, periodontal disease and tooth extractions.
- Man-made chemicals: This category includes things such as paint thinners, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceutical drugs and heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium..
- Lifestyle: Smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drugs. Little or no exercise, lack of fresh air, lack of sunshine, poor diet, pregnancy
- Physical Structure: This category includes biomechanical problems like scoliosis or TMJ. Obstructions of the airway. Scar tissue from trauma or surgery.
- Physiology: Poor absorption of nutrients, an acidic diet, too much protein protein or too little fatty acids, food allergies and sensitivities, disturbed circadian rhythms.
- Natural toxins: These are toxins that are produced and released by some very common molds and fungus.
- Biological inhalants: molds and seasonal pollens
- Physical phenomena: Electromagnetic fields, microwaves, and ionizing radiation
- Hormones: This category includes imbalances of steroidal hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, Testosterone and Estrogens. Multiple stressors also suppresses Thyroid hormone, the regulator of metabolism.
- Emotional/Spiritual: There is substantial clinical evidence that this category is the most important contributor to chronic Lyme. Post traumatic stress disorder, unconscious guilt and conflicts, experiential stress. How you are with the world: angry vs forgiving, fearful vs letting go.
Obstacles to healing may be directly influencing the balance of your immune system or they may be influencing your health in some other way and indirectly stressing your health by creating a TOTAL LOAD.
It is never just one stressor but a combination. In some cases a few stressors may influence other stressors that creates what seems to be the never ending cycle. Since each person is unique, personal investigation is necessary to uncover the obstacles that are influencing the immune system and REMOVE them from the TOTAL LOAD.
- There are ten broad categories of influences or stressors and each category contain multiple obstacles to healing.
- Each category should be investigated. In our clinic we use diagnostic tools like Regulation Thermography and 24-hour heart rate variability. These tools help us understand a patient’s unique immune system dysfunction and tailor personalized and prioritized treatment plans that may be periodically assessed for effectiveness.
- Take control and be proactive. Methodically Remove the Obstacles to Healing.
Recipe - Vegan Holiday Chocolate Walnut Fudge
Get ready for the holidays with this tasty vegan treat
- ¼ c of organic almond butter
- ½ c of organic coconut oil
- ½ c of raw cacao powder
- ½ c of pure maple syrup or organic agave nectar
- 1T of pure vanilla extract
- A pinch of sea salt to taste
- ¾ c of raw walnuts, roughly chopped
Cooking Instructions:
- Beat together the coconut oil and the almond butter with an electric mixer
- Sift in the raw cacao powder and beat again until combined
- Add the maple syrup, vanilla and salt and beat until smooth
- Stir in walnuts
- Line a pan with parchment paper, add the mixture into the pan and spread until smooth
- Sprinkle and lightly press a handful of chopped walnuts onto the top of the fudge
- Freeze uncovered for approximately 1 hour, or until solid.
- Slice into squares and enjoy!
Importance of Detoxing during the Holiday Season
Everyone knows it’s hard to resist the tempting treats and libations that come along with holiday celebrations.
After each meal or party, we vow not to indulge at the next party. We eventually give up altogether and are back at square one. If you are having a hard time sticking to your diet over the holiday season, you are not alone. So, how do you detox after holiday festivities? Follow these simple detox tips and you will be on track and ready to achieve your nutrition and fitness goals come January 1st.
- You will feel better
- You will lose weight
- You will reduce cravings
- You can reduce or eliminate food sensitivities
- You will give your body a well-needed rest so that it may repair itself
Detoxing after overindulgence
- Hydrate – water flushes out toxins as well as prevents problems from dehydration such as headaches due to overindulging
- Start taking probiotics – They will help to improve the digestion of ll of those holiday meals
- Deep Breathing – relaxing the body and mind and getting your metabolism back on track to counteract the cortisol production due to stress during the holidays
- A good night’s sleep – It will keep you energized which will keep your cravings at bay. You won’t be looking for a quick cookie fix to boost your energy
- Watch what you drink – sugary drinks, including coffee sodas and eggnog are worse than sugary food because they go straight to the liver without going through the breakdown and filtration process and they don’t tend to make you feel full. They also tend to be very high in calories.
- Exercise – Exercise oxygenates the body. The more oxygenated your body is the easier it is to get rid of toxins. It also promotes sweating which is another way your body releases toxins.
- Detox your life – food and drink are not the only toxins in your life. Take time to clear your home of harsh chemicals and unnatural products. This is also a good time to take inventory of what you can release from the life that isn’t serving you.
Get a clean start – Start the New Year off right with The PaleoCleanse Plus 14 Day Detox Program. For more information about the program CLICK HERE.
Treatments for Brain Fog and Fatigue in Fairfield County CT
Brain Fog and Fatigue in Chronic Lyme Disease
In our clinic, we see many patients that are diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. One common thread with all these patients is brain fog and fatigue. Brain fog and fatigue are common symptoms that result from chronic stress. Chronic stress may be from emotional influences such as death of a spouse, financial difficulties or hardships, divorce, physical, and emotional abuse.
Chronic stress may be the result of chronic physical inflammation from dysbiosis, food sensitivities, weight problems, joint and muscle pain, low thyroid, high blood sugar, viral load from Epstein-Barr or herpes, bacterial load from tick-borne infections and defective root canals, and chronic heavy metal absorption.
Once symptoms start and do not resolve, the condition is considered chronic: Headaches, joint and muscle pain, reflux, gas and bloating, constipation and diarrhea, pain and ringing in the ears, allergies, and of course, BRAIN FOG AND FATIGUE.
Both emotional stressors and physical stressors contribute to chronic stress, also known as Allostatic or Total Load.
Chronic Stress from Lyme Disease Causes Brain Fog and Fatigue
Here is an important point: Chronic Stress has more to do with the heart than any other organ system because the electrical field and rhythm of the heart impacts all of the cells of the body.
Most people think of the heart as simply a pump. Well, in fact, in addition to producing its own hormones for signaling other cells throughout the body the heart transmits a very strong electrical field that can be measured well beyond the surface of the body.
When you are under constant stress from whatever source, your body reacts by sending hormones and neurotransmitters into your bloodstream. These chemical signals are picked up by your heart and result in an in a change in heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is the way your heart speeds up and slows down from moment to moment. It is not the same thing as heart rate.
To explain heart rate variability consider the analogy of passing a car on the highway. You’re driving your car and in the lane ahead of you is a slower car. You signal, move gradually into the left lane, accelerate, pass the slower car, gradually move back into the right lane, then de-accelerate to your cruising speed. Nice and smooth, Right? Suppose in a different way, you drive within a few feet of the slower car, slam on your brakes, jerk the car into the left lane, smash the accelerator to the floor and pass the car, again you abruptly jerk the car back to the right lane, and finally slam on the brakes to bring the car to its cruising speed. So in the first scenario, we call the variability smooth or coherent, in the second scenario choppy or incoherent variability.
It turns out that the variability in the heart’s moment-to-moment rate can also be incoherent or coherent and this heart rate variability is transmitted by nerve impulses to your brain. An incoherent heart rate variability causes your brain to shunt or detour impulses away from your brain’s frontal cortex, the thinking area, into the emotional areas of the brain. As a result, it is harder to process thoughts when you become more engaged with your emotions. This phenomenon is experienced as brain fog and fatigue. Usually, we arrive at a diagnosis of Chronic Lyme because the patient has reached the tipping point and the body may no longer be able to balance and handle the symptoms associated with multiple chronic stressors.
Treatments that Cure Symptoms of Brain Fog in Chronic Lyme Disease
We have treatments that help patients manage their emotions and build resilience in order to strengthen the immune system and cure symptoms like Brain Fog and Fatigue, particularly in chronic Lyme disease.
If you would like more information about treatments like HeartMath or Inner Balance that we regularly use with our patients check out the research at
Heart Rate Variability Testing in Fairfield County CT and Surrounding Local Areas
Family and Environmental Medicine help patients with Holistic Solutions that support health and well-being. Dr Gary Gruber provides private appointments for patients from around the country who seek health and healing with Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The majority of patients are from the local area of southern Fairfield County (including Greenwich CT, Stamford CT, Darien CT, Norwalk CT, New Canaan CT, Wilton CT), Westchester County, NY, NYC, and Northern NJ. For personal questions about Regulation Thermography testing, please contact us at (203) 539-1149.
10 tips to Prevent Colds and Stop the Flu
Cold and flu season is upon us.
Getting a cold or the flu is miserable and in some case can be debilitating. Here are ten simple tips that can help you get through the winter season feeling happy and healthy. If you do get a cold or flu, we have natural remedies that support your immune system so the recovery period is quick and complete.
- Get a good night sleep - Sleeping can boost your immune system which is crucial for defending against cold viruses. It allows your body to repair and heal itself and to fight infection.
- Exercise - Moderate exercise 30 - 60 minutes a day increases immune function and leave you feeling happy and stress free.
- Stimulate your lymphatic system - The lymphatic system’s function is to cleanse toxins and to protect against harmful invaders. The lymphatic system doesn't have a pump and relies on the relaxation and contraction of muscles. Jumping jacks, jumping on a trampoline or turning on cold water for 30 seconds at the end of your daily hot shower are great ways to stimulate the lymphatic system.
- Eat foods containing zinc - Zinc enhances and supports the immune system which aids in the prevention of colds as well as decreases the duration of a cold should you get one. Example of foods high zinc are oysters, pumpkins seeds and toasted wheat germ.
- Eat Garlic - Garlic has antimicrobial properties that can ward off bacteria and viruses. It is very easy to be creative and include garlic in your meals.
- Wash your sinuses - Nasal irrigation using net pots and saline sprays help to rinse bacteria, viruses and allergens from the nasal passage.
- Be happy - A positive attitude can go a long way to keeping you healthy. It promotes changes in your body that strengthens your immune system and makes you less susceptible to illness.
- Drink water - The winter air and indoor heating can be very drying. Drinking plenty of water hydrating the body keeps your body and immune system working efficiently.
- Hand washing - Being diligent about washing your hands can prevent the spread of viruses to yourself and others.
- Use Dr. Gruber’s Emergency Pack at the first sign of a cold or fever - The emergency pack is a three day supply of high potency Vitamin D3 and Vitamin A. These vitamins act like hormones to communicate with your innate immune system. Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system and can dramatically reduce your risk of getting a cold or the flu. Vitamin A plays a role in immune system health and may prevent a cold from taking hold.
If you want to have an emergency pack on-hand, please call the office (203) 539-1149 to order.
Recipe: Curried Pumpkin Soup
This is a wonderful fall soup, this soup is creamy yet light - a perfect choice for a holiday party or dinner.
- 3 cups of fresh pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cubed (small cooking pumpkins at Trader Joe’s)
- 1 cup of organic yellow onions chopped
- 1 clove of organic garlic
- 1 Tablespoon of curry powder
- 1.5 tsp of sea salt
- 1 quart of organic vegetable broth
- 1 can of organic coconut milk
- 2 Tablespoons of Organic Ghee or olive or coconut oil
Cooking Instructions
- In a 4 quart saucepan, heat the oil and sauté the onions, garlic and pumpkin until they sweat but do not brown.
- Add curry powder, sea salt and vegetable broth.
- Cover and cook on medium low for about 20 minutes until the vegetables are soft.
- Turn off heat and add coconut milk.
- Using a hand blender, blend to desired consistency or cool and transfer to a blender and blend for 30 seconds.
Happy Thanksgiving!
What to Expect From a Naturopathic Physician
What to Expect From a Naturopathic Physician
An initial appointment with a naturopathic physician (ND) lasts about 1.5 hours and includes questions about your medical history, lifestyle and health habits. An ND might order lab testing if he or she believes it’s indicated.
Your ND will prepare a personalized plan to bring you to optimal health. That might include any combination of natural healing treatments, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, counseling, botanicals, biofeedback for stress reduction, and others.
When you visit an ND, be prepared to take an active role in your own health! You’ll receive personalized recommendations regarding diet, exercise, and any other factors that might affect your well being. Ultimately, you’re in control of your health, and only you can decide to make healthy changes. But with an ND, you have a guide to lead you through the confusing maze of nutrition, exercise, and general health information.
When You Feel Ill
When you do feel ill, NDs are well trained to diagnose your disease. They treat the root cause, leading to true wellness. Symptoms, while uncomfortable, are often signs of an underlying disease process. Your ND will identify and prioritize obstacles to your health. Your treatment plan will always address your whole self, physical, emotional, and spiritual. It will help lead you to a condition of well being and empowerment for your health.
A Naturopathic Physician Can Help You With These Areas:
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Anxiety and Panic
- Migraine
- Tinnitus
- Dementia
- Hypertension
- Atherosclerosis
- Neuropathy
- Anemia
- Claudication
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Obesity
- Diabetes I & II
- Insulin Resistance Syndrome
- Hypoglycemia
- Sore throat, colds, & coughs
- Physical Injury
- Allergies
- Psoriasis
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Lupus
- Sjogren
- LYME Disease
- Pain
- Arthritis
- Sinusitis
- Indigestion
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Irritable Bowel
- Surgical Preparation
- Cancer Support
There are over 400 species and thousands of strains of bacteria that are supposed to inhabit the lower intestines and colon.
These 400+ species are collectively called probiotics, which means "for life", and were initially discovered in the early 1900's. These bacteria have many roles in good health such as making short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), polyamines, vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids. Another function, especially in the case of Lactobacillus species, is to prevent food from decaying, preserve antioxidants and vitamins, remove toxins, and keep pathogenic organisms at bay. A third and major role of probiotics is to maintain proper immune function. Among the various effects on the immune system, a specific action is to stimulate the action of white blood cells like the macrophages, natural killer cells, monocytes, and neutrophils.
When buying a probiotic (see Natural Pharmacy), you want a multi-strain product called "broad spectrum". It should have at least 8 different types of probiotic bacteria. Avoid supplements with fillers or preservatives. The probiotic formula should be designed to by-pass the stomach and deliver essential bacteria to the lower intestines. Extended periods of elevated temperatures will diminish the viability of the organisms. Therefore, probiotics should be kept refrigerated and used immediately.
Jeanne A. Drisko, MD, CNS; Cheryl K. Giles, MD; Bette J. Bischoff, RD. (2003). Probiotics in Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention. Alternative Medicine Review. Volume 8, Number 2.
John A. Catanzaro, N.D. and Lisa Green, B.Sc. (1997). Microbial Ecology and Probiotics in Human Medicine (Part II). Alternative Medicine Review. Volume 2, Number 4.
Yehuda Ringel, Eamonn MM Quigley and Henry C Lin. (2012). Using Probiotics in Gastrointestinal Disorders. The American Journal of Gastroenterology Supplements 1, 34-40.
Detoxification is a Spring Thing
During spring, nature goes through the lovely process of renewal. Cleansing and detoxification is a gentle and effective way to bring the energy of renewal into our own lives. Spring cleaning is more than just detoxifying the body, it can also mean avoiding toxins in our thoughts and emotions, as well as our environment. Below are some gentle and safe ways to bring the energy of spring cleaning into your life, from the inside out.
Detoxification is Cleansing the Body
Our bodies are exposed to toxins on a daily basis from the air we breathe to the products we use. There are several body systems that help us eliminate these toxins such as our liver, our kidneys, and even our sweat. But, these systems can get overwhelmed and often need a little help and support. This is often referred to as doing a “detoxification”. Modern living can bring us into contact with so many toxins that everyone could use a good detox, especially in the spring!
Detoxification is the process of reducing the amount of toxins that we are exposed to in order to rest the detoxification pathways in the body, as well as encourage the release of toxins that are stored in the body. There are a variety of methods for detoxing the body. Most consist of resting the body by eliminating solid foods for a short time and instead consuming cleansing foods such as special broths, juices, teas, herbs or supplements. Supporting the metabolic pathways of the liver and kidneys are so important (see 14-Day Detox Program). After the cleansing period is over, a very clean diet is slowly reintroduced.
Several hidden factors can complicate a detox such as blood sugar issues, or if a person has been exposed to heavy metals or other dangerous toxins. It is important to seek the professional assistance of a for any detoxification.
Cleansing the Environment
A clean body will only benefit us so long without the support of a clean environment. There are several sources of toxins in our environment that need to be addressed. The most important is toxins in our food supply. It is important to be eating organic fruits and vegetables, organic meats, non-GMO whole grains, and limit processed foods as these contain dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives, and other industrial chemicals. Clean water is also a must, including filtered water in non-toxic containers. Glass is the best storage container for water, followed by stainless steel, and BPA-free plastic.
Another area of toxic exposure is in our homes. Household cleaners, laundry products, lawn care chemicals, and bug sprays expose us to numerous chemicals and petroleum based toxins. Even cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos, face washes, deodorants, and toothpastes have chemicals that can disrupt our health. Health food stores offer environmentally-friendly, all-natural products.
Cleansing the Spirit
One overlooked area of detox is our thoughts and emotions. To truly embrace the benefits of a spring clean, we must also look at the mental and emotional environment we live in every day. Chronic stress is one of the most toxic emotions to live with on a daily basis. Not only can it tax the body by stimulating stress hormones, it taxes the spirit and positive mental outlook. Other toxic emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousy, anxiety, and depression need to be dealt with. Naturopathic Medicine helps support more than just your body, it helps support the whole person including one’s emotional state.
Some strategies everyone can use to help support their spring cleaning are deep cleansing breaths, meditation, staying hydrated with clean water, and exercising.
Lindlahr, Henry, and Jocelyn C. P. Proby. 1975. Philosophy of natural therapeutics. Saffron Walden: C.W. Daniel Co.
Pizzorno, Joseph E., and Michael T. Murray. 1999. Textbook of natural medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Vasey, Christopher. 2009. The naturopathic way: how to detox, find quality nutrition, and restore your acid-alkaline balance. Rochester, Vt: Healing Arts Press.
Family and Environmental Medicine help patients with detoxification programs. Dr Gary Gruber provides private appointments for patients from around the country who seek health and healing with Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The majority of patients are from the local area including Greenwich CT, Stamford CT, Darien CT, Norwalk CT, New Canaan CT, Wilton CT, Westchester County, NY, NYC, and Northern NJ.
Family and Environmental Medicine help patients with Natural and Holistic Treatments for a healthy immune system.Local areas served are CT, NY, NJ.
Local area including Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, New Canaan, Wilton CT, Westchester County, NY, NYC, and Northern NJ