Positive character strengths are an important part of living a healthy and well-balanced life.

These strengths are the foundation for leading a life of purpose and joy. The VIA Institute on Character is dedicated to helping individuals identify, understand and use their own character strengths. This organization provides research, resources and assessments to help individuals develop and nurture their character strengths.

At the core of the VIA Institute on Character is the belief that “positive character is the cornerstone of well-being.” By identifying and utilizing positive character strengths, individuals can enhance their overall wellbeing and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

The VIA Institute on Character has identified 24 character strengths that are divided into six broad categories.

These categories include courage, justice, humanity, temperance, wisdom, and transcendence. Each of these categories contains several specific characteristics that can be developed and cultivated to help individuals live a more balanced life.

For example, the courage category includes strength of bravery, perseverance, and integrity. By developing these strengths, individuals can become more courageous and confident in their decision making. Similarly, the temperance category includes strength of self-regulation, humility, and prudence. By utilizing these strengths, individuals can become more mindful and intentional with their actions.

The VIA Institute on Character has developed several assessments to help individuals identify their personal character strengths. These assessments are designed to provide an objective analysis of the individual’s character strengths and weaknesses.

By understanding their individual strengths and weaknesses, individuals can learn how to best utilize their strengths to improve their overall wellbeing.

One of the most popular assessments developed by the VIA Institute on Character is the VIA Survey of Character Strengths. This survey asks individuals to rate their agreement with a series of statements that measure their 24 character strengths. The results of this survey provide an objective measure of the individual’s character strengths and weaknesses.


Positive character strengths are an essential part of living a healthy and well-balanced life. By utilizing the resources and assessments provided by the VIA Institute on Character, individuals can identify and nurture their positive character strengths. By doing so, individuals can enhance their overall wellbeing and lead a life of purpose and joy.