In the world of health and wellness, there is a great deal of discussion surrounding the idea of transcending levels of consciousness.

This concept has been explored by numerous authors and experts, and one of the most renowned is Dr. David R. Hawkins, an American psychiatrist and author, who is widely known for his work on the subject.

The idea of transcending levels of consciousness is based on the notion that, by understanding and utilizing particular emotional states, one can rise up to higher levels of consciousness. According to Hawkins, the key to achieving this is to learn to distinguish between emergency emotions and welfare emotions.


Emergency Emotions vs Welfare Emotions

Emergency emotions are those that arise from fear and other negative feelings. These emotions induce a state of fight-or-flight, where one feels compelled to respond to a perceived threat, even if it is not real.

  • Examples of emergency emotions include anger, hatred, and shame.

Welfare emotions are those that are associated with love and other positive feelings. These emotions, while not necessarily indicating that everything is perfect, do create a sense of trust and safety.

  • Examples of welfare emotions include joy, compassion, and security.

The idea behind transcending levels of consciousness is that, by understanding and recognizing the difference between emergency and welfare emotions, one can begin to distinguish between real and perceived threats. This allows one to rise above fear and anxiety and reach a state of higher consciousness.


How do you reach a higher state of consciousness?

In order to reach this state, it is important to be aware of both emergency and welfare emotions, and to learn to recognize them when they arise. Once this is done, it is then possible to begin to understand their source and the underlying cause. This can help one to avoid reacting to fear-based emotions and instead be mindful of the welfare emotions that are present.

Once one is able to recognize and distinguish between emergency and welfare emotions, it is then possible to take action in order to move towards a higher state of consciousness.

This can involve engaging in activities that promote relaxation and wellbeing, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. It can also involve making lifestyle changes that promote physical and mental health, such as getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly.

By engaging in these activities, one can begin to transcend levels of consciousness and reach a state of greater harmony and balance. This can lead to greater self-awareness, improved mental health, and overall well-being.


Ultimately, transcending levels of consciousness is a process of self-exploration and understanding.

By learning to recognize and differentiate between emergency and welfare emotions, one can begin to move towards a higher level of consciousness and achieve greater wellbeing. This is the goal that Dr. David R. Hawkins sought to achieve, and one that many people can benefit from.